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Green-Eyed Envy?

Let’s get straight to it. How many times have you looked at the success or accomplishments of others and said to yourself “man, I could have did that”, “man, they stole my idea!!” or “i wish I could do that..” No? Nobody? So I guess I’m the only one who’s going to be honest and say yes I have. BUT, I will also be honest and say once those words were spoken (verbal or not) I was stopped in my tracks and my spirit was grieved. God reminded me that the reason why I was on the outside looking in, is because I was afraid to step OUT/IN on faith and they weren’t. OUCH!! He didn’t have to tell me about myself like that. How can I be in my feelings about something I didn‘t BELIEVE I had enough faith for? So after I picked up my face, I asked God to forgive me. See, when you can face yourself and acknowledge your shortcomings and rebuke heal. We gotta start being honest with ourselves. Sometimes we aren’t where we desire to be because we’re too afraid to step OUT/IN.

I just wanted to quickly encourage those of you who are ready to be honest with yourself, rebuke that green-eyed monster, and walk in purpose!!

Repeat this (prayer) confession of faith with me:

Lord, I rebuke and repent of any envious or jealous spirit that has come over me. For I am fearfully and wonderfully made and I AM walking in my personalized purpose right NOW in JESUS name.

We are Victorious.

We are Worthy.

We are Royal.

We are His.

- Steff “Mrs. Crownx” 💜

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